Hockey & Ice Skating
Yeah, we’re in the “State of Hockey” so we had to start here. Incredibly, though we’ve not (yet!) won the Stanley Cup, you can’t beat hockey and ice skating in Minnesota. Developed by our neighbors to the north back in the 1870s, the modern-day game of hockey is seriously fun for all ages and holds a ton of benefits. Just ask AI! It’ll answer with physical fitness, coordination & balance, mental health, teamwork, and on and on. There are thousands of indoor and outdoor rinks, and thousands more frozen lakes and ponds to use across the state. If you can’t skate, just put on some boots and slide around playing family game of “boot hockey.” Oh, and checkout some absolutely classic hockey movies (many filmed in Minnesota) to get some inspiration before lacing up. Our favorites linked below!
Ice Fishing
Ever want to walk on water? How about taking up ice fishing – one of the coolest ways to fish in the world. For over 2000 years, people have walked (and even driven) out on frozen lakes, cut holes in the ice, and angled for their favorite fish. Every year, the world’s largest ice fishing tournament is right here on True North’s chain of lakes -- the Gull Lake Chain – every January. Yeah, you can adventure out on the ice with your pole, auger, bait and brave the elements. But that, um, is cold! Tricked out “ice houses” can keep you toasty warm, so grab some friends, food, drinks and games and chill out while you fish through the ice.
Of course, any time you venture on to a frozen lake can be dangerous. Check out the DNR’s “general thickness guidelines” before you go.
Ice Fishing in Movies: Grumpy Old Men, Ice Fishing Hardcore

Cross Country Skiing
If you want to fall in love with cross country skiing, watch the exhilarating (and beautifully hilarious) video of Minnesotan Jesse Diggins’ frantic finish to win the gold medal in the 2018 Winter Olympics. HERE COMES DIGGINS! Well, it all started back almost 5000 years in Scandinavia, in fact the word “ski” comes from the Old Norse word skíð which means stick of wood. There are fantastic health benefits to this incredibly aerobic winter pastime and sport. And with more than 240 miles of cross-country ski trails just around True North and the Brainerd Lakes Area, it’s a great way to spend a few hours shushing through a winter wonderland.
Travel fast, far and have a ton of fun snowmobiling on groomed trails and across frozen lakes all winter around True North. What’s a snowmobile, you ask? A snowmobile – which some (not us) call a snowmachine, motor sled, motor sledge, skimobile, or snow scooter -- is a motorized vehicle designed for winter travel and recreation on snow. The modern-day snowmobile was invented, it seems, by Canadian Joseph-Armand Bombardier from the small town in Quebec in 1922 as a more effective way to travel across snow in winter. Today, there are over 3,000 snowmobile clubs worldwide that organize trail grooming, charity fundraising, and family activities. There are many places to rent – and ride – a snowmobile around True North. Give it a try!

Hot Tub and Sauna
Who doesn’t like to soak in hot tub or sauna on cold days? And who doesn’t want to jump into ice-cold water or a giant snow bank? And then…wait, what?
Known as the “Nordic Cycle”, the “Viking Bath”, hydrotherapy, contrast bath therapy, and other names -- hot and cold-water therapy is a ritual that has been around for centuries. Also, taking saunas in winter can be traced back to the Bronze Age, around 2,000 BC in northern Europe. In both cases, the transition from one extreme temperature to another is a restorative tool for the mind and body, and is supported by many health and wellness benefits. Try the hot tub and sauna at True North – or one of the many others all around the northland.
Five fun winter activities (and good reasons to try them out)
There’s no question that when it comes to winter in the True North -- you can’t fight the cold. Nope. In fact, we’re pretty set on the idea that shouldn’t even try. Instead, lean into it! The Travel Star found a rich history and many benefits to winter activities that you can only enjoy when there’s snow, ice and the cold weather of northern climates. So we pulled together some of our favorites, a few reasons to try them, and all of which you can do when visiting us here at True North.
Oh -- and we love us some pop culture, too. So checkout some of our favorite movies and TV shows that feature some genuine, cold weather fun.